September 18, 2023

Victor Andres Garayar Anlas

Victor Garayar is a Computer Science and Systems Engineer and an MBA from IMD in Switzerl and.Victor has 20 years of international professional experience in technology, including Consulting,Artificial Intelligence, and CIO and CTO roles.

Currently, Victor is the Director of Cognitive in Amelia, an Artificial Intelligence company based in New York, named by Gartner as Leader for Enterprise

Conversational AI Platforms. Victor leads implementation, growth, and expansion of Amelia for South Europe and Latin American customers, managing teams in India, Spain, Netherlands, US, Peru and

Mexico. Additionally, he is the worldwide leader of Amelia’s voice service, as +80% of his customers are through call centers, and his team manages 70% of Amelia’s conversations, which surprisingly are in Spanish.

Recursive House

Recursive House provides consulting and development services tocompanies looking to integrate AI technology deeply into their companyoperations. Using our expertise we teach and build tools for companies to outcompete in marketing, sales, and operations.

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